Shoulder Pain Treatment: Shoulder Injection

Shoulder Pain Treatment in Paris, Ile-de-France

Shoulder pain?

The syndrome shoulder pain is a very frequent reason for medical consultations. The shoulder is a very fragile joint, and is put under a great deal of strain by your daily movements. What's more, the shoulder is a very complex joint, made up of several structures (as you've already seen). Damage to any one of these structures can lead to a range of symptoms, including pain.

What is a shoulder pain treatment?

Shoulder Pain Treatment involves injecting a drug into the painful joint.

Shoulder Injection can be used for :

  • A diagnostic goal: When there are several possible origins of the shoulder pain.
  • A therapeutic goal: In general, we start by treating the painful shoulder with non-medication (good posture, rest) and more or less medication (analgesics and anti-inflammatories). If, despite first-line treatment, the pain persists, injection of the shoulder is indicated.

On which sites shoulder pain treatment should be done?

A shoulder pain treatment can be performed in several regions of the shoulder, depending on the etiology. These regions include :

  • The glenohumeral joint: This is the joint between the arm and the shoulder blade.
  • Acromioclavicular joint: Injection is performed at the joint between the acromion and the clavicle.
  • Subacromial bursa.

As with other joints, Injection can be either intra-articular or periarticular.

How does shoulder pain treatment work?

Our radiologists are experts in the practice of injection. The procedure takes 10 minutes.

You will lie on your back. This procedure sometimes requires a local anaesthetic.

The shoulder pain treatment requires radiological guidance (under ultrasound or X-ray). L'radioguided infiltration enables continuous control of the needle's path and position. The gesture will be more precise and targeted.

Does it work? What are the possible results?

Efficacy is not immediate. It takes 1 to 2 days for the pain to diminish. Rest is therefore indicated to increase the likelihood of treatment efficacy. In the event of failure, re-injection is indicated. A maximum of 3 injections is recommended. If, despite all this, the pain persists, other therapeutic strategies will be adopted by your attending physician.

Shoulder Pain Treatment Appointment

Make an appointment for shoulder injection at our centers:

Bachaumont Radiology 75002

Clinique Drouot 75009


When should I go to the radiologist?

Any pain persisting for more than 6 weeks should be investigated by a rheumatologist.

What tests does a rheumatologist order for shoulder pain?

In general, the rheumatologist performs a clinical examination of your shoulder. Then, if necessary, he or she will order additional tests such as X-rays, ultrasound scans, CT scans, MRI scans and arthro CT scans.

He may then recommend injection by an expert radiologist.

What are the symptoms of shoulder pain?

Painful syndrome of shoulder can have several symptoms, depending on the etiology in question.

  • Pain: A pain can be pain at rest (without physical effort) or pain after physical effort. What's more, this pain may remain localized to your shoulder, or it may radiate to other areas of your body (upwards or downwards).
  • Limited shoulder mobility shoulder stiffness.
  • Edema and swelling.
  • Other symptoms depending on the etiology of the painful shoulder.

What causes shoulder pain?

There are many causes of shoulder pain. We can distinguish two categories of causes:

Musculoskeletal causes (Causes related to the bones and muscles that make up the shoulder)

  • Trauma A fall, an accident... can cause a bone fracture or joint dislocation. This causes pain and limits joint mobility.
  • Shoulder osteoarthritis Arthritis is a joint disease caused by the destruction of articular cartilage. Normally, cartilage serves to improve contact between bones. When cartilage is lost, contact between the two bones in the joint is no longer effective, resulting in pain.
    You are at greater risk of developing osteoarthritis if you :
    • Over 50 years of age
    • Are obese
    • Are menopausal
    • Have someone in the family who already has the disease (who already has osteoarthritis)
    • Already have a basic skeletal abnormality
    • Have a metabolic disease already diagnosed by your doctor
  • Shoulder tendonitis Shoulder tendonitis: Inflammation of the shoulder tendon. This can cause redness and severe pain in the shoulder.
  • Tendon calcification.
  • Bursitis : Inflammation of the bursa.

Non-musculoskeletal causes: (Causes not related to the shoulder)

  • An infection
  • A neurological disease
  • A heart or lung problem: A heart problem can give rise to a shoulder pain. This is referred to as referred pain.

This can help with shoulder pain:

  • Try low-intensity physical exercise and limit the number of movements.
  • Always try to keep a good posture (head straight, shoulder pulled back). It can help!
  • An anti-inflammatory and/or analgesic medical treatment may be prescribed. by your doctor.

Who should I see about shoulder pain?

This is the rheumatologist which takes care of joint pain among others shoulder pain.

